Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter lunches made Fast

These are from Wednesday. It was a busy morning and I made both of these lunches, plus 2 snacks and 2 drinks in 15 minutes. We were running a bit late so I didn't get a good picture of everything lined up. Just one each of their individual EasyLunchBoxes. I also didn't make Heidi's lunch in the morning like I usually do. When she walked in the door from school at lunchtime and had to wait about 5 extra minutes for her lunch, boy was she unhappy with Mommy!

Lunch for Amy: Ham sandwich, carrot sticks, assorted fruit - grapes, pineapple, strawberry (from our garden!) and honeydew melon

I had been trying to stay away from the continual ham sandwich lunch and have been mixing it up a bit in their lunchboxes lately. On Wednesday, I did not have a plan in mind, there were no decent leftovers in the fridge and as we were running late I caved in and went back to their favourite sandwich. Just yesterday, I got a new cookbook from Amazon. Cooking with Trader Joe's Cookbook - Easy Lunch Boxes. There are lots of interesting things to pack for lunch in there - and really you don't need to have a Trader Joe's nearby to use the ideas. I certainly don't have one near me! Hopefully Amy will see some things that she likes in the pictures and I can try some new lunch options.

The same lunch for Rose plus I added a few grape tomatoes
I realise that her sandwich looks little messier than Amy's but it's because I used the off cuts of ham after I cut out Amy's bunny and just tucked them into Rose's sandwich. No waste! This bunny is from my favourite cookie cutter stamp set. It's very fast to stamp the bread and it makes for an appealing end result. No peanut butter gluing of eyes, noses and whiskers. Saves 3 minutes at least!

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Bentos on the Bayou

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Chili Cheddar Corn muffins for lunch

I made my husband a man sized lunch in our planetbox launch, Lots of goodies to keep his tummy full. I suspect he ate the bagel sometime mid-morning,

honeydew melon, carrot sticks, celery with cream cheese, raisins, almonds, peanuts & sunflower seeds 
chili cheddar corn muffins, cinnamon & raisin bagel with cream cheese

The chili-cheddar corn muffins were very easy to whip up. I had about a cup of leftover chili from making some delicious oven chili dogs and I wasn't sure what to do with it  Chili-Cheddar corn muffins came to mind. I used a regular mini box of jiffy corn muffin mix, mixed as directed on the box (1 egg, 1/3 cup milk) and added 1 cup of chili and a handful of grated cheddar and baked as directed. Yum!

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Grown-Ups Gotta Eat

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Amy!

Last week my darling Amy turned seven. I can't BELIEVE it. It seems like my girls are just growing up way too fast!.

This is the lunch that I made her on her birthday.
boiled egg, carrots and cucumbers, Fruit Rainbow, fruit leather 7, sandwich kabobs with leftover roasted chicken

I thought that the sandwich kabobs might convince her to eat the lettuce. No such luck. However, we have made it several days without a ham sandwich so that's progress!

She had a great birthday and we had a little family party at home that night.
Here's a little then and now of my sweet Amy.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Colourful Lunch!

Here's a colourful lunch that I made for Rose last week. I just noticed that I hadn't posted it when I went to review my pictures from this morning.

Leftover roasted chicken on fish picks, broccoli, tomato & carrots (from our garden)
goldfish and fruit salad 

She ate almost everything, leaving just a few bites. I was doing so well staying away from the favourite ham sandwich of the picky one. Woke up late today with no plan and packed ham sandwiches. I had just enough time to snap a quick picture so I'll post those shortly.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Bunny Bread for lunch!

Yesterday, I made some very cute bunny shaped rolls. It was my first time making them and a couple came out a little wonky. Not to worry, they still tasted yummy and we had them with our lunch yesterday. I saved a few of the better looking ones for lunches today.

Rose’s lunch - vegetarian today :)

bunny roll with butter, tomatoes & cheddar, carrots sticks and celery with peanut butter, strawberries & honeydew melon

Amy’s lunch is a little different (and not vegetarian!)

Bunny roll with butter, leftover roasted chicken, peanut butter for dipping her carrot sticks, celery with peanut butter, strawberries & honeydew melon

Amy is rascally and said that they looked like mice. We have had that problem before – lol. Here’s my last bunny? or mouse? lunch. I told her the rolls are obviously bunnies – just look at their tails. She said but look at their faces. hee hee. She wasn’t being snarky, we were just having a fun chat about it. Next time, I’ll make longer ears on the bunny rolls too.

I first saw the idea to make bunny shaped rolls last year on Lunches Fit for A Kid. I didn’t follow her recipe, just used my own favourite bread roll recipe and her general technique. Her bunnies even had feet! I wasn’t sure how the rolls would turn out and I believe the key is the ears. Try very hard to make the ears the same size and make sure they are sort of laying back a bit and not too much to the side. Some of mine went a little side ways when they rose/baked. If you look at Astrid’s as a guide you can see that her bunny ears are definitely laying straight back.

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After school snacks and a toddler lunch

I made 3 very similar mini bentos a few weeks ago. Two were for after school and before ballet snacks for Heidi and Rose and one was a little lunch for Emily. 

grapes, blueberries, custard cream cookie, 2 mini bologna sandwiches

Heidi had the same - it's really easy to make multiples of things this way!

Emily's lunch was even almost the same - I just halved her grapes and added a few fishies.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt!

It just occurred to me that Easter is right around the corner! Time to get organised. Every year on Good Friday we have an Easter Egg hunt for my girls and nephews. The Easter Bunny also hides eggs at our house on Easter Sunday so I have had quite a bit of practice with Easter Egg hunts. I started working on a list of non-food items to put in our eggs for our Easter Egg hunts this year and I thought I would share my list and some Egg Hunt tips with you.

Keeping it fair. 

You don’t want the bigger, faster children quickly finding a bunch of eggs and leaving some children with a tough time finding any. We always have a small group of children where the ages are quite varied, this year we will have ages 1 1/2 - 11. Here’s what I do. Assign each child their own color or design of egg that they have to hunt for. Everyone should have the same number of eggs hidden. For the littlest children you can hide them in very obvious places and for the older children you can be sneaky with your hiding spots. Take note of how many eggs and which child has which color. This is easy to remember for a couple of children but when the number is larger you'll want to write it down, especially if you prepare the eggs in advance. You can do this even with the Easter Bunny's hidden eggs too. Just make sure that he leaves a little note so that the children know what eggs he has hidden for them.

Choosing your eggs. 

When you buy Easter eggs there are so many choices. In general, I like to stick to the basics as it’s easy to find replacements when you need to restock from year to year. There are regular sized eggs and then jumbo eggs. You can often get the same colour or design in both sizes so I like to have both sizes on hand just in case. If you already have some jumbo eggs it makes it easy to use a larger item if you find that it doesn’t fit in the regular eggs.  At the end of the egg hunt, be sure to collect up all of the empty egg halves and pack them away for next year. Children are usually happy to give them up once they have opened them and found the goodies inside. If not, and someone really wants them it’s ok.

Choosing items to fill your eggs.  

I always put some candy in the egg hunt eggs, but since my children generally end up with lots of chocolate bunnies and candy filled baskets from relatives (plus the Easter Bunny hides eggs AGAIN when he comes) I prefer to put as many non-candy items in the eggs that I can.  If it's warm out you don't want melted chocolates in your plastic eggs -- eeww! If there is a much larger item that you want to give you can always put a photo in the egg or a clue about where to find it and you can hide that item somewhere. Another tip is to take a plastic egg with you when you go shopping. It’s much easier to judge if something will fit in a plastic egg if you have one with you. Toy stores and party stores often have individual loose toys for sale. That’s a good place to start. I also stop by the dollar store, but here in Bermuda it's really the $2.50 store and the selection is limited so I don't usually expect to find too much there. Please be mindful of the age of children that you are shopping for. If there are any under 3s be watchful for choking hazards and take note of warning labels.

Filling & Hiding your eggs. 

In all of my experience filling Easter eggs for a hunt this is the best plan that I have come up with to keep it organized and quick. Line up the hunting baskets that the children will use to collect their found eggs. If they are bringing their own use bowls or just make piles. Then start portioning out the filler items into each basket. You can put little name tags on the baskets if there are too many to keep track. Start with special items that you have for each child and then add in the items that are for everyone. It is very easy to keep the piles of loot even this way. Once you have the baskets filled with what you want to put inside move on to the actual eggs. Sort out the eggs by colour and count out the ones that you will need for each child. Toss out any egg halves that are cracked or missing mates. The total quantity depends on the volume of loot that you have as fillers. I usually stuff 15-20 eggs per child. If there are any very young children you should come up with a more tailored plan. For instance for Emily who is only 1 ½  this year I will probably only hide 5 for her right out in the open and they are likely to be filled with cheerios. It’s a cute photo op J.

So now you have all of your loot sorted and all of your eggs sorted. Take one basket at a time and start stuffing those eggs. You’ll have to use your judgment on what goes in each one. You can do one item per egg or any combination that you come up with so that all of the loot ends up in the eggs! When they are all stuffed put them back in their basket so they are ready to hide. Take a basket and make sure you know who will be hunting those eggs so that you can decide how sneaky your hiding spots should be. Next, go around hiding them in your designated hunting area. I always leave one egg in the basket as a starter. It makes it easier for the children to know exactly what eggs they should be looking for. This is important when you have several children or similarly patterned eggs to avoid confusion. If you are doing this for a few kids and the differences are obvious then go ahead and hide them all.

Scavenger Hunt Eggs. 

This is a fun concept. Create a scavenger hunt list of clues and put them in your eggs. Make sure to number the clues so that they can be arranged in the correct order. Once all of the eggs have been found, the kids can follow the clues in order until they find the treasure at the end. The clues could be the only thing in the eggs, or just a part of your general egg hunt. If you are doing this with multiple children you could give each of them a clue and then they can work together to find a prize worth sharing or a hidden stash of named prizes for each of them. The treasure could be an Easter Basket, grab bag or other prize. Keep a master list of the clues in case one is lost.

The Golden Egg concept.

I always have one special egg that is hidden in a pretty tricky spot. Not necessarily a golden egg just one that is completely different from the rest, it could be a fun shape or a different size. You should have two of these eggs. One to hide, and then one to show everyone an example of what they should be looking for. We invite everyone at the party to look for the golden egg, not just the children. At our house, if you find the golden egg you win a special prize. You could also fill the golden egg with cash and make that the prize itself. A grown up does not always find the golden egg. Sometimes, the children are hunting so thoroughly that it is stumbled upon during their hunt.

So now that you know how I easily organize a fun egg hunt that is fair for all ages here are 

75 fun items to put in Easter eggs that are not food.

  1. stickers
  2. temporary tattoos
  3. super bouncy balls
  4. mini puzzle pieces – put some in several eggs.
  5. special lego bricks – from the pick a brick section
  6. lego mini figure or friends mini figure
  7. lego mini building set – spread the pieces over a few eggs
  8. magnetic alphabet letters for the fridge
  9. chapsticks in jumbo eggs or mini lip gloss pots in regular sized eggs
  10. necklaces
  11. bracelets
  12. rings
  13. earrings
  14. mini nail polish
  15. zoobles
  16. squinkies
  17. polly pocket clothes & accessories
  18. Barbie clothes
  19. littlest pet shop critters (not all will fit so be choosy)
  20. zoobs – put some in several eggs
  21. mini erasers
  22. pencil sharpener
  23. hair clips
  24. hair ties
  25. small army figures
  26. toy bugs & critters from the dollar store
  27. silly putty
  28. mini bubbles containers
  29. charms for a charm bracelet
  30. finger puppets
  31. small windup toys
  32. mini paratroopers
  33. sticky hands
  34. shells – for collage/crafts
  35. chenille pom poms
  36. foam sticker shapes or alphabet
  37. small feathers – for collage/crafts
  38. stick on jewels
  39. porcupine balls
  40. mini yo yo
  41. small pop up toys
  42. gold treasure coins
  43. pirate treasure map (that you create to lead to a bigger toy or Easter basket)
  44. miniature Dora figurines – some characters need a jumbo egg
  45. play dough – make your own or use a mini party pack of the store kind, save the containers.
  46. squishy animals
  47. flip frogs
  48. linking bunnies– spread over a few
  49. mini bowling set
  50. marbles
  51. jacks
  52. bead sets to make jewelry
  53. jokes
  54. mini stamps – self inking or mini rubber stamps
  55. small collectible rocks andminerals
  56. glow in the dark star stickers for the ceiling
  57. dice (you can find a bunch of children’s game here
  58. baby counting and sorting bears
  59. teeny tiny rubber ducks (Oriental Trading)
  60. mini race cars
  61. bendable animals
  62. mini funny monkeys
  63. safari toob mini figures – not all will fit in a regular egg, you will have to be selective
  64. dollhouse miniatures
  65. character keychains or zipper pulls
  66. silly bandz
  67. small spinning top
  68. money
  69. small whistles – if you are brave! Very popular last year. Good thing we were outside  ;)
  70. grow capsules
  71. angry birds (or other character) pencil toppers
  72. series of clues to create scavenger hunt eggs that lead to a bigger prize
  73. soft felt pirate eye patches
  74. Slime or GAK!
  75. coupons for privileges  - movie night, extra half hour before bedtime, TV time etc
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Fast lunches - 3 lunches in 20 minutes!

I finally timed myself making lunch. It took me 20 minutes to make 3 lunches. I was kind of rushing - but only because we woke up at 8 am today!!  I am trying to send lunches other than sandwiches and here are taco lunches by request. everyone had the same -except Amy who wanted cilantro mixed in with her lettuce.

Leftover taco meat, lettuce, taco shell, cheese & cantaloupe

I feel like I should have tucked some carrot sticks in there or something extra but I was having a hard time  getting everything to fit. I think I'll look up some other taco lunches and see how other people get them to fit nicely.  At the very last minute when I was packing up I added a granola bar to Rose's lunch. She doesn't take a morning snack as they have a classroom community snack. I was worried that it might not be enough food if she's hungrier at lunch time because she didn't like the morning snack. Amy already takes two snacks and rarely eats them both so I knew she would have extra in her lunch. Her snacks today were a boiled egg & some more cantaloupe, plus her favourite goldfish crackers. They both had little forks packed in their lunchboxes too.

I really needed to go shopping. We were out of almost all fruit. Including everyone in our family (4 kids, 2 adults) we ate an entire honeydew melon yesterday! Plus grapes, the last of the pineapple, the last of the mandarin oranges, and the only two ripe strawberries in the garden. The amount of fruit and veg that we go through as a family is staggering considering that the girls are still little. I can't imagine what it will be like when they are all older.

Here is the start - timing with the ipad mini stopwatch. I LOVE this ipad mini case. Each of the girls has their own colour so it is easy to identify them at a glance, plus the stand is pretty awesome too - it works in both portrait and landscape. It's probably not the toughest as far as protection goes but they have all survived the usual wear and drops of young children and for that price it's fabulous.

And here is everything that I finished for the girls' lunches and the timer.

So that's 3 lunches, 2 drinks and 2 snacks in 20 minutes and 19.6 seconds. Heidi's lunch on the far left will stay in the fridge until she gets home at lunch time. The meat was a dinner leftover but the tacos were baked from the box this morning. Do you know what took me the most time this morning? Finding my Easylunchboxes mini dippers! They come in a package of 8 and somehow I can only find 3 cups and 2 lids! I sorted out almost all of my bento storage drawers on the weekend so here's hoping that the rest are in the bottom of the last two! Interruptions were a minimum today as I helped the girls get organised first and only stopped to give reminders about what they needed to do next - shoes & socks, brush your teeth, check that your pouches have everything you need for the day, choose your coats etc...

I think my usual, I woke up on time, lunch making duration is 25 -30 minutes to make all three. Also, since Heidi doesn't need hers to go out the door with her in the morning I sometimes spend a little extra time on hers when everyone has gone and the house is quiet. You know, if I'm in the mood to try something fancy :) At that point, I also tackle lunch for my husband if he's taking lunch and lunch for the baby if the afternoon will be busy.

Since I was wondering how I could do a better job of packing these lunches to fit more food I did a little inquiring with some other lunch blogger friends. Perhaps I should have assembled the tacos and then I would have had one spot extra for some extra veggies or using tortilla chips instead is also a nice idea like these lunches from Keeley McGuire

Here are some other taco and nacho lunches packed in EasyLunchboxes:
Keeley McGruire - Taco & Nachos lunches
More Than Your Average Mom - Mini Nachos
Lunches Fit For A Kid - Spaghetti tacos
Lunches Fit For A Kid - Nachos
Tiny Princess Lunch Box - Taco salads
Lunch with Eyeness 
Bentoriffic - Fiesta Bentos
Chaos and Confections - soft tacos in a Laptop Lunch

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Bentos on the Bayou

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Leftovers for lunch - Pizza Biscuits

I made some delicious pizza biscuits for lunch on Sunday and the girls had them in their lunches on Monday.

 This was Rose's lunch
goldfish, pizza biscuit, marinara sauce for dipping
grape tomatoes & carrots from our garden, pineapple

Heidi's lunch
all of the same items except I swapped the tomatoes for celery.

Amy was at home feeling sick so I didn't pack her a lunch. She ate a few nibbles here and there at lunchtime.

Here's the recipe for the pizza biscuits, it's hardly an original idea and there are several versions around. These are very easy to make and my 3 year old was able to do much of the work. We actually didn't put pepperoni in each one as my the girls don't like pepperoni. So I marked each biscuit that was filled with pepperoni with 1/4 pepperoni slice on the top so that we could identify them when they were all baked.

Pizza Biscuits
makes 16

2 cans grands biscuits 
1 cup marinara sauce
16 slices of pepperoni (or 32 slices if you like extra pepperoni)
16 mozzarella bocconcini, each one cut into 3 slices
3 tbsp melted butter (or melted garlic butter - yum!)
1 tbsp Italian seasoning
1/4 cup grated Parmesan and Romano cheese

Preheat oven to 350F. Spray inside of 13x9 dish with non stick spray. Roll out the grands biscuits until flat.  Put one small spoon of sauce in the middle. Don't spread it around too much or it will be difficult to wrap up. Add a slice or two of pepperoni and 3 slices of fresh mozzarella from the bocconcini. Pull up all of the sides and pinch into a ball shape. Put seam side down into the prepared dish. Repeat until all of the pizza biscuits are filled and in the pan. They will just about fit, you'll have to squish that last one in there a bit but they all will cook evenly. Brush the tops with melted butter and then sprinkle with the Italian seasoning and the grated Parmesan & Romano cheese.  Bake for 15-20 minutes until  the biscuits are puffed and browned on top. Leave to cool in the pan. Warm the extra marinara sauce and use for dipping. Yum!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Croissant sandwich for lunch

An easy lunch for Rose on a busy morning -- Mom woke up late! Can we still blame daylight savings? Or should I just fess up and say that I was up late watching The Mentalist on my ipad the night before. Oops!.

mini blueberry muffins, 2 fruit skewers, 
carrots and grape tomatoes
croissant sandwich - ham, cheese & lettuce

If I could take this lunch back I would totally put a cute pick in her sandwich. Oh well. She still loved it. She told me that she wants her sandwiches "like Daddy now, with lettuce and stuff." Do you ever pack tomatoes in a packed sandwich? I don't like tomatoes very much and I assume that they would make the bread soggy. Any tips? Do you pack the tomato slices on their own and then put them in the sandwich at lunchtime? Or just forgo tomatoes for packed sandwiches all together?

PS - Have you noticed that we had bought a nice batch of croissants? They were fresh and delicious :)

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Bento Lunch
t-align: justify;">

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lunch for me!

This is actually from last week. I had to go out on and lend someone a hand so I brought my own lunch along :)

Cream cheese and sugar free strawberry jam croissant, No bake energy bites
carrots, grapes, pineapple & a strawberry

It was delicious :)

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Simple vegetarian lunch

We had some really great croissants last week. This lunch was from last Thursday. 
I made this easy vegetarian lunch for Amy.
a few pistachios, fruit skewer, peanut butter & carrots sticks 
mini blueberry muffin and a croissant strawberry jam sandwich

I am really trying to improve the variety of the "entree" part in the girls lunches. Amy specifically - she is such a creature of habit and so picky. I am trying to get her off her ham sandwich kick. It's all she ever wants! As soon as she saw this lunch she asked- are we out of ham and bread? Yup - I lied. 

I've signed up for the Momables lunch menu service and I'll see if I can convince her to try some new lunch choices. The service gives you 5 days of lunch menus with recipes, shopping list and photos during the school year. The menus that are sent during school holidays are different but I have not yet experienced those first hand. 

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BentoForKidlet   Following In My Shoes Bento Lunches

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Well didn't this lunch come out a little wonky!?! I don't know how I messed up that sandwich. The bread got all mangled - you should see the bottom 0_0.  Happy St Patrick's Day!
Clover shaped sandwich (no really, it is :p) goldfish, strawberries and pineapples

I have my share of lunch flops - gotta post 'em - just keepin' it real - LOL.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Lunch for the hubby

My husband and I are having a pretty busy day today so he won't be coming home for lunch. I packed him this planetbox launch container to take to work :) He said he thought he would be pretty hungry today.

No bake energy bites, cherry & date bars (that my Granny made - yum!), a few pistachios
grapes, pineapple, kiwi & a couple of grape tomatoes 
two ham, Swiss cheese. lettuce & mustard croissants sandwiches

I think this will keep his belly full! I try not to make his lunch too cutesy -- do you think the hearts were too much? nah - me neither. The sandwiches were just begging for a pick to keep them closed ;)

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Grown-Ups Gotta Eat Following In My Shoes Bento Lunches

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy Birthday Rose!

It's hard to believe that my little Rosie is 5! Her birthday was on Tuesday. A few evenings ago I spent a lot of time looking through photos of her for her birthday circle at school.  Seems like just yesterday she was this tiny little baby. This is her birthday lunch :)

carrots, strawberries and pineapple, goldfish & a ham sandwich with a cherry fruit leather topper

and just because here are some then and now photos :)
Rose at 16 days old

Rose at age 5

Here are some items (or similar) that I used to make this lunch:

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Luck O' the Irish

St Patrick's Day is coming up so I made a fun Irish themed lunch for Rose last week.
lucky clover sandwich, carrots, grape tomatoes, celery
grapes, blueberries, apples

She ate almost everything and came home wearing the leprechaun ring! Funny girl.

If you want to check out some other fun Irish/St Patrick's day themed lunches click here!

St Patricks Day Theme Food - Fun Bento Lunch

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Really fun character lunches for the girls today. I started out thinking that I would make one really fun lunch with a Merida sandwich for Rose, and then some regular. faster and less work fun lunches for the other two. Well the others saw it and they all wanted Merida too! I should have know this would happen. Good thing I was up a little earlier this morning likely due to the impending Day Light Savings time change.

Rose's Lunch
grapes & strawberries, Merida sandwich, Mor'du chocolate teddy grahams

I actually saw a cute Merida sandwich the other day and that was the inspiration for this one. My carrots were short and I couldn't really make them curly but I think I still got the wild look! I stuck most of them down with peanut butter and told the girls not to throw their lunches boxes around today. We'll see what happens! Rose liked her lunch so much she wanted me to take a picture of her with it.

Amy's almost identical lunch - can you spot the main difference?
No red pepper lips. She doesn't like red pepper and she asked "Can't you colour on the lips or something?" Well, I tried. The red pepper ones look better. I somehow lost my best food markers and used the backup Wilton ones. They just don't work as well for me. Once it was done that's it, no do overs! I had already put the hair on etc and was not about to flip it over and start over. It was getting close to leaving time.

Heidi really wanted a fun Merida sandwich too but I was out of carrots! I had already prepared carrots, celery, red peppers, orange peppers & grape tomatoes for snack at school today so they were all used. Aha!  Another easy idea. cheddar cheese hair.I made a different style entirely with a cheese face too. I didn't spend much time on this one I must confess. 

Ham sandwich with a Merida cheese topper, Mor'du teddy grahams, grapes, blueberries, strawberry

This was actually a difficult morning in the house. The baby was up playing ALL NIGHT! I have no idea why. My husband ended up taking the second shift of trying to get her to sleep/playing in the wee morning  hours. Eventually she went to sleep but then he slept in and didn't get up to help with getting the others out the door. I feel like I was Supermom today -- chop, chop, chop - round  up the kids and remind them to put on their shoes, brush their teeth etc. You know the drill. Mine seem to need a little reminding to get back on track every 5 minutes! They were literally playing all sorts of games this morning.  Very active imaginations. There was also a discussion about what to wear for Alphabet day and the usual animated chatter that ensues which equals a stoppage to getting dressed! Plus they had a slow start since it's the read-athon and they woke up and started reading right away. I'm surely not complaining that Amy & Rose want to read - but I would have been happier if they were dressed and had eaten their breakfast first. Eventually they all made it to school - in the nick of time and hopefully didn't shake up their lunch boxes too much! I predict that they will eat everything today :)

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