Showing posts with label nut free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nut free. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2013

Grilled Cheese Sandwich hearts in a muffin tin (#2)

grilled cheese sandwich hearts, apple with heart cut out
carrot hearts, yogurt with pink sugar sprinkles, red grapes

I also made this on National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day. It's the same ingredients as the other lunch that I posted today but packed in a slightly different way using a regular muffin tin.

Here are some items used to make this lunch:


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Grilled Cheese Sandwich Hearts - in a Muffin Tin Meal

heart shaped grilled cheese sandwiches, apple heart cutouts, 
carrot heart cutouts, yogurt with pink sprinkles, red grapes

This is another lunch that I made on National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day.  I haven't made a muffin tin meal in ages! Since we are at home for break I decided to revisit that fun way of serving lunch, plus it's the theme for Bento Blog Network this week - vote for me  ;) ;). I discovered that cutting a grilled cheese sandwich is pretty tricky. For this I used my flower shaped metal cutter to cut out the sandwich before grilling. Then I made 3 knife cuts to turn the flower into hearts. If you let the sandwich cool a bit it's much neater and cheese doesn't ooze out everywhere.

Here are some things that I used for this lunch:

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