I've been tired all day today. I started a new medicine this morning that said may cause drowsiness - well it's either that or the fact the H & R had trouble sleeping last night which translates to no sleep for Mommy & Daddy! Either way I have needed a rest all day. Anyhow, the girls wanted MTM for lunch again today. It's the last one of the week since we are going out for lunch tomorrow and they are back to school next week, so I had intended to put in a bit more effort than usual. This turned out to be the most difficult one of all, not because of any wild and impressive techniques - but because all 3 girls were hovering and helping all the while exclaiming that they were starving yet again. The girls did enjoy helping so that's what's important :)
First off A's lunch:
grapes, 1/2 orange, mac & cheese, yogurt with sprinkles ( this really is a vacation favourite!), PB crown sandwich, crown icing decoration, apple stars.
R's Lunch -pretty much the same. The center of the crown is a punched out heart. I let them put their own coloured sugar on those for decoration. I was going to adorn the crown with jewels - AKA Wilton large icing decorations, coloured diamonds, circles etc. but naturally the kids just could not wait an extra moment! Oh well it's less sugar for them anyway :) I was also going to make those star apples into wands but again - the kids were too hungry to wait!
H's Lunch: even H was standing up at the counter eager to help!
Halved red grapes, orange slices, mac & cheese, fairy princess PB sandwich (who looks a little sad), apple cutouts - the trimmings of the other girls' stars.
Next week it's back to packing lunches for A & R. I've been using their planetbox almost every school day for them - perhaps I'll get all wild and crazy and choose something different. I'll ask the girls to think of a fun lunch theme and go from there.