Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Simple Lunch for a day out

Amy had the chance to participate in a voice workshop with Voces8 and then give a free performance on the steps of City Hall. It was at 12:15 so we had to quickly rush over after picking up Heidi from school. You know how Heidi can't wait 2 minutes to eat her lunch after school so I packed her this little lunch to bring with us. I thought she might want to start eating it in the car so I used our lunchbots quad container as it's size is just perfect for her little hands and lap.

carrot sticks, pineapple, grapes, cheese sandwiches with cheese flower topper

I did pack a little cup of dip for her carrots after I took the picture (I forgot at first!)

Here's a little clip of their performance. Amy is in the very middle group (white shirts and khaki bottoms), in the second row. It was a bit windy and my video skills could use some work! 

Food Decorating Pick Puffy Pick Baby Flower 14 pcs

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