Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mini sandwich buns

I know it's a poor workman who blames their tools, but seriously I just cannot take good pictures with other people's cameras! I dunno why but I seem to take better photos with my own camera. Had a terrible time this day trying to get a decent photo. Oh well - I gave up and left the shadow/reflections and sent the kids to school! 
Rose's Lunch
carrots sticks and diced peaches, yogurt tube
cantaloupe, grapes
mini bun sandwich

We were out of bread (this has been happening a bit more than usual lately -- probably because I have been busy and going to the grocery shop less often.) The kids sure didn't mind as they love these little mini rolls that my Mom picked up for them. These lunches were low on flair but full of favourites so they were gobbled up at school!

Amy's Lunch
Hers was slightly different. I sent carrots sticks for her morning snack so left them out of lunch.
Also - those were the last grapes so she only got one. She likes cantaloupe better anyway so it worked out.

Heidi's lunch
apples, pretzels, fruit snacks, carrot sticks
sandwich on a mini bun

Seriously - I needed to go to the grocery store. There was definitely some odds and ends going on in these lunches. I kind of like days like that though - uses up what's left before a big shop :)

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